As far as I’m concerned, the only way to even think about serving crêpes to more people than just yourself is to make them well in advance. Follow this advice and you will enjoy a peaceful existence. Disregard it and suffer. Okay, maybe it’s not quite that bad, but seriously. Have you ever tried to make crêpes in real time? It’s stressful!
Read Moresalad with apples and almonds
It occurred to me that a brief perusal of this blog would lead you to believe that I basically only ever eat sweet things and carb-y things. I mean, 1/5 of the first page of recent posts fits into either or both of those categories.
Simply- that is not all I eat. In reality, I practically eat my weight in salad each week, and then I eat my weight again in miscellaneous fruits and vegetables at breakfast and dinner. I eat a lot of tacos too, but that’s irrelevant for our purposes today.
Read Morechocolate banana nut muffins
My mood can be adversely affected by the weather this time of year. Today though, I’m actually excited that it’s in the 50s and raining. This is the winter weather I’m used to! Yay!
But really, there’s a lot to love about this time of year.
There’s Christmas, obviously.
There are pretty lights.
There’s hot chocolate.
There’s cinnamon coffee.
There’s Thanksgiving.
And there’s baking. Lots of it.
roasted squash seeds
Two Saturdays ago at the farmers’ market, Micah and I picked up a delicata squash, among other things. As I was preparing it to be roasted one night, I decided to set the seeds aside. I had just read an article on Food52 about things to do with them, and I hate throwing away edible food.
Later that night, I boiled the seeds. That step took hardly any time. Then they went into the fridge overnight until I could finish them in the morning.
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