…which means that there are just three months left in this whole stinkin' year. Can you believe it?!
Around this time last year, I was designing a calendar. It mostly came together in a coffee shop, where I would sip plain coffee across from my friend Meegan. She would be buried under John homework (Bible college, FTW) while I would be thoroughly absorbed in Photoshop. We would occasionally look up and acknowledge each others' existence and comment on the music selection (usually questionable).
Anyways, about the calendar. I know people don't really use paper calendars anymore, but they're still the best! This one is free. It's printable. I think it looks pretty good (personally). It's full of photos of SF (which look good 99.9% of the time).
And if you download it today, you can still get three-month's use out of it before 2016 gets here!
¿Qué esperas? (What are you waiting for?)
P.S. It's a pretty big file, but it prints beautifully on 8.5×11-inch 65# card stock.
[End of cheesy ad.]